This product is achieved International GMP Standard Approved by Ministry of Health Malaysia





此产品在冲凉时可通过毛孔进入体内促进血液循环,对阻抗风寒及湿气侵入筋络有显著的疗效。因此在生产后的30- 45天内连续使用可避免产妇受风寒侵入而导致年老时患上风湿疾病的可能性。






大风艾 : 全草含黄酮戒、香豆精、三萜(或留体)、氨基酸、有机酸、挥发油(含龙脑)等。

风茅 :含挥发油(香茅油),油中主要成分为柠檬醛70-80%。及香叶烯约20%


大风艾 : 产后风痛,祛风祛湿,外感热头痛(其叶有冰片素成分,可使皮质类固醇透皮能力提高8-10倍)
风茅 : 产后水肿,风湿疼痛
杜荆 : 皮炎湿疗

Daifonai Herbal Bath is a traditional formula handed down for many generation, and has undergone improvement to meet today’s needs. Its unique formula and ease of use has proven effective for modern day mothers, and its natural herbal ingredients are free from artificial colouring and preservative.

Indication:(For external use only)
Daifonai herbal bath is specially formulated for mothers during their post-natal period as it help to expel tummy wind (via continual use for 30 to 40 days) . This product can be used during spa or shower, as it helps to relieve tension, stress, fatigue and improve blood circulation.

Method of Application:
Place one packet into a container of 18 liters water(can also put some ginger). Boil, then leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes. Then allow to cool to a suitable temperature (or add in the boiled water) before showering with it or wipe over the body with a towel as an external skin cleanser. This product also can be use for spa or shower.

Can mothers shower and wash hair during postpartum confinement?
Personal hygiene is of utmost importance during postpartum confinement due to heavy perspiration during childbirth, hence a good habit to maintain daily showers is highly recommended. The water temperature should be kept between 36°C to 39°C, and shower should lasts only 5 to 10 minutes. The body must be wiped and hair dried immediately to avoid catching a cold.

During shower, this unique herbal formula is better absorbed by the body for improved blood circulation and prevents moisture from causing ailments such as headache and joints pain. With continuously application for 30 to 45 days after childbirth, mother can also significantly reduce the occurrence of rheumatic diseases in old age.

The basis of “Daifonai” treatment
Both the modern and Chinese medicine agree that bathing the wound with medicine is more effective as the skin/wound can absorb the medicine through direct contact. This direct contact also helps to open up the pores, enabling the medicine to penetrate deeper into the skin and improve blood circulation.

The treatment
The treatment is easy, effective and safe from side-effects. It can be used by anybody regardless of age and sex.

Why Do women in confinement (the period of a month or so after childbirth) need to bathe with “daifonai”
The period immediately after childbirth, ‘confinement’ is critical to a women’s health. This is because pregnancy and delivery cause a great strain to a women’s physique as well as her energy level, or as the Chinese medicinal practice puts it, on her ‘chi’ or inner energy.

If not replenished, the lack of ‘chi’ or inner energy can cause low immunity to disease. The ‘cold air/chillness’ can easily enter the body and cause ailments such as headache and pain around pelvic area and joints.

Doing the laundry, washing the dishes or taking cold showers exposes the women to the ‘chillness’ which can cause the body temperature to drop and the blood vessels to contract leading to pain in the joints or rheumatism.

Bathing with ‘Daifonai’ can and will prevent this from happening because the medicine penetrates deeper into the skin which improves blood circulation and the overall health of the new mothers during ‘confinement’. In addition, ‘daifonai’ also improves the skin complexion.

Bathing with ‘Daifonai’ for 30-45 days after childbirth prevents ‘chillness/cold air’ entering the body therefore prevents the occurrence of rheumatism in later age.

Research has shown that women especially older women, suffer from rheumatism more than men. This is due to doing washing and household chores during confinement which cause the ‘chillness’ to enter their system. Bathing with ‘Daifonai’ will protect new- mothers from developing joint point or rheumatism later in life.

Ingredients and formula :
Blumea balsamifera:expels wind, prevents postpartum bone pain and headaches
Cymbopogon citrates :cures dropsy and rheumatic pains
Vitex negundo: cures eczema and rashes.